Strategy and Planning

Our strategic pou are guided by the attributes of the five tamariki of Tarāwhai and Rangimaikuku

Ahiahiotahu | Rangitakaroro | Rongoheikume | Taporahitaua | Tarewakaiahi



Strategic Horizon



Kaitiakitanga, Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Taiao.


Te Oranga pai o te iwi. The wellbeing of people.


Kaitiakitanga o ngā taonga tuku iho. Guardianship of the Trusts resources.



Strategic Priorities


Priority 1

To work in partnership with other land owners, trusts, or marae to create educational, cultural, social and economic opportunities for beneficiaries and descendants.

Priority 2

Build a resilient wellbeing base.

Priority 3


Priority 4

Strive for governance excellence and continual improvement.