Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust

Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust is charged with creating educational, social, cultural and economic opportunities for uri and their descendants.


You can register for Matariki on our facebook page

Go to: Ngati Tarawhai Iwi

Ringatoi can register their interest to showcase their mahi at our art exhibition on our facebook page

Go to: Ngati Tarawhai Iwi

Rongoā Wānanga 15th - 17th March 2024 Waikohatu Marae, Okataina


Kai ngā pū, kai ngā take, kai ngā weu, kai ngā more, kai ngā pia, kai ngā aka, kai ngā taura, kai ngā tauira, kai ngā wānanga. Kōtau katoa e rongo nei i te karanga o Tāne te Wānanga, Tēnā kōtau.


This is an opportunity for Tarāwhai descendants to wānanga with other people who love being in the ngahere and want to dive deeper into understanding Te Waotū-Nui-ā-Tāne.


Doesn’t matter if you’re a long term practitioner of rongoā, a sometimes makes yourself a kawakawa tea kind of person or you can’t tell a kawakawa from a kahikatea. If you have an affinity  for the bush - then this is the weekend for you.


We’re keeping the wānanga to about 20 people to make it a manageable number in the bush so aroha mai but - First Come First Served. Of course our tamariki are welcome if you need to bring them.


Because this wānanga will include tauira at the beginning of their rongoā journey we will focus primarily on tikanga and plant identification. Mōre kōrero around application and preparation will be covered in later wānanga. For now, doing a deep dive on identification, learning to recognize the correct rākau and learning tikanga is the main focus.


The wānanga promotes an open forum and encourages everyone attending to be both teachers and students, seek opportunities to compare notes with other practitioners and offer their perspectives and deepen our understanding of the topic or plant we’re focusing on.


Pouako: Tihini Grant           


To register please contact Amber Taare at

Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust calls

A Special Meeting

August 27th 2023

At Waikohatu Marae, Rotoiti

Registrations open at 9.30am

Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Newsletter July 2023


Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Newsletter July 2023 〰️

Kaumātua retreat

Hei tautoko i ngā uri

Post Covid Response support for uri

E te tī! E te tā! E te iwi whānui o Ngāti Tarāwhai, tēnā tātou katoa!

 E te iwi, Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust brings to you all our Ngāti Tarāwhai Ruku Ora – Post COVID-19 & Winter support.

 If you and your household are uri and may find yourself needing some additional support during winter, please complete this form attached.

 We have a number of kete tautoko to help you and your whānau – Food vouchers, petrol vouchers, transportation support, firewood and much more.

 If you feel you need some support, please let us know by completing this form and a COVID-19 Tauā member will make contact with you!


Distributions will begin 1st of July 2022.

 E te iwi, this is for the iwi, this is for you!

 Kia piki te ora, kia pike te hauoa o te iwi!

Hei Raukura mō Ngāti Tarāwhai

Scholarship recipients 2022

Te hokinga ki Tauranganui

The return to Tauranganui

Strategy & planning

The work that the trust carries out is planned to align with the strategic objectives of the trust.

Learn more

Ānaha Te Rāhui

Koinei he whāriki, he pitopito kōrero mō o tātau tohunga whakairo, tohunga whakapapa.

Learn more


Calendar of what’s on and upcoming events run by the Ngati Tarāwhai Iwi Trust.

Learn more

Waikōhatu Marae

Information about the Waikōhatu Marae.

Learn more

Hinemihi Marae

Information about the Hinemihi Marae.

Learn more

Ruaihona Marae

Information about the Ruaihona Marae.

Learn more