He Pānui

News, updates and all the latest information about our activities.


Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Trust Newsletter December 2022


Tau Koura ki Okataina


Ngāti Tarāwhai documentary on TVNZ

Ngāti Tarāwhai celebrate purchasing Lake Okataina Lodge and reclaiming ownership of our ancestral land at Tauranganui after more than 125 years. tekarere on TVNZ follow this journey. Watch the news clip here.

Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Kapa Haka

Our Kapa Haka group performing in the Te Arawa bi-annual Kapa Haka competition.


Watch this space - a documentary is being developed and will be published here.


Kura Reo

Take a look at some of the activities from the Ngāti Tarāwhai kura reo here.

Teaching Scholarships 2021

Ngāti Tarāwhai is proud to support aspiring teachers with memorial scholarships. The recipients of this year’s scholarships are Parekaawa Liddell, Jazmin Hurihanganui - Bennett, Ayla Wineera, and Rangihoia Whata.

Rangatahi Strategy Working Group

On the 17th of November 2020 we held our first Rangitahi Strategy Hui. This was run by Lani Kereopa, Ruakiri Fairhall and Michelle Hingston.

Ngāti Tarāwhai Schooling Data

Ngāti Tarāwhai Iwi Data

For more information https://tewhata.io/ngati-tarawhai-te-arawa/


Education Scholarships 2022
